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Vencedor Prémio Serpa 2023
Lucie Lučanská wins the 5th Edition of Serpa Award with her project “In the tent”
Serpa Town Council together with the publisher Planeta Tangerina organizes the fifth edition of the biennial Serpa International Picture Book Award. The initiative aims to develop the literary and artistic quality of the picture book as a medium, and to encourage the creation of new projects in this area. This edition received over 675 submissions […] Arrow
Premio design de livro 2024 Por exemplo uma rosa
“A rose, for example” selected for the 2024 Book Design Prize

The book A rose, for examplewith text by Ana Pessoa and illustrations and design by Madalena Matoso, was selected by the jury of the 2024 Book Design Prize and so will feature amongst the 20 Portuguese books that DGLAB will submit to the international “Best Book Design from All Over the World 2024” competition, promoted […]

Pardalita Joana Estrela
Two awards for “Pardalita” in The Netherlands

Pardalita won two awards in The Netherlands: the Zilveren Griffel and the Zilveren Penseel! The first for its text and the second for the illustrations. The Dutch edition was published by Uitgevreij Querido. Congratulations Joana and Pardalita. 🙂

Mary John Prémio TodosTusLibros
“Mary John” awarded in Spain

“Mary John”, with text by Ana Pessoa and illustrations by Bernardo P. Carvalho, has been named the winner of the Spanish TodosTusLibros prize, in the category of Best YA Book. TodosTusLibros is the platform managed by the Spanish Booksellers Association (CEGAL), a bibliographical search and online commerce tool for independent bookshops across Spain. In its statement, the […]